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КАТАЛОГГоловные станции КТВASTROМодуля Х серии

type description X-5 X-8 DD®
X-DTU terrestrial converter (analog or DVB-T) x x  
X-DTU duo terrestrial twin-converter (analog or DVB-T), independent output channels x x  
X-PAL QUAD 4 QPSK/8PSK to 4 PAL converter   x x
X-DVB-S/PAL CI QPSK to PAL converter with CI x x  
X-DVB-S/PAL duo QPSK to PAL twin-converter, independent output channels x x  
X-DVB-S/PAL duo CI QPSK to PAL twin-converter with CI, independent output channels x x  
X-DVB-S/PAL twin QPSK to PAL twin-converter x x  
X-DVB-S/PAL twin CI QPSK to PAL twin-converter with CI   x  
X-DVB-S/Multinorm twin QPSK to PAL, PAL B/G, PAL D/K NICAM   x x
X-DVB-S/Multinorm twin CI QPSK to PAL, PAL B/G, PAL D/K NICAM, with CI   x x
X-DVB-T/PAL CI COFDM (DVB-T) to PAL converter with CI x x  
X-DVB-T/PAL twin COFDM (DVB-T) to PAL twin-converter x x  
X-DVB-T/PAL twin CI COFDM (DVB-T) to PAL twin-converter with CI   x  
X-COFDM duo S2 DVB-S2 to COFDM (DVB-T) twin-converter, independent output channels   x x
X-DVB-T/Multinorm twin COFDM (DVB-T) to PAL, PAL B/G, PAL D/K NICAM twin-converter   x x
X-DVB-T/Multinorm twin CI COFDM (DVB-T) to PAL, PAL B/G, PAL D/K NICAM twin-converter, with CI   x x
X-DVB-C/PAL CI QAM to PAL converter with CI x x  
X-DVB-C/PAL twin QAM to PAL twin-converter x x  
X-DVB-C/PAL twin CI QAM to PAL twin-converter with CI   x  
X-DVB-C/Multinorm twin QAM to PAL, PAL B/G, PAL D/K NICAM twin-converter   x x
X-DVB-C/Multinorm twin CI QAM in PAL, PAL B/G, PAL D/K NICAM twin-converter, with CI   x x
X-860 twin analog S SAT analog twin-converter, video signal-to-noise-ratio 58 dB x x  
X-A/V twin 860 S A/V to PAL twin-modulator x x  
X-A/V Multinorm twin A/V to PAL twin-modulator   x x
X-A/V quad A/V to PAL quad-modulator   x  
X-Demod twin PAL in A/V, Mono, twin-de-modulator x x  
X-QAM QUAD 4 QPSK to 4 QAM converter, MER typ. 45 dB   x x
X-QAM twin 3 QPSK to QAM twin-converter, MER typ. 40 dB x x x
X-QAM twin 5 QPSK to QAM twin-converter, NIT-generating, MER typ. 40 dB x x x
X-QAM twin 6 QPSK to QAM twin-converter, data rate adaption, NIT/PID-processing, PID-remapping, PCR-correction, OP-ID, MER typ. 45 dB x x x
X-QAM 5 S2 DVB-S2 to QAM converter, MER typ. 40 dB x x x
X-QAM twin 5 S2 QPSK to QAM twin-converter, data rate adaption, NIT/PID-processing, PID-Remapping, PCR-correction, MER typ. 40 dB   x x
X-QAM twin 6 S2 DVB-S2 to QAM twin-converter, data rate adaption, NIT/PID-processing, PID-remapping, PCR-correction, MER typ. 45 dB   x x
X-QAM duo 7 S2 DVB-S2 to QAM twin-converter, data rate adaption, NIT/PID-processing, servicefiIter, OP-ID, PID-remapping, PCR-correction, MER typ. 45 dB, independent output channels   x x
X-CQAM twin 6 QAM (DVB-C) in QAM twin-converter, data rate adaption, NIT/PID-processing, PID-remapping, PCR-correction, MER typ. 45 dB x x x
X-TQAM twin 6 COFDM (DVB-T) QAM twin-converter, data rate adaption, NIT/PID-processing, PID-remapping, PCR-correction, OP-ID, MER typ. 45 dB x x x
X-DVB-S/FM twin QPSK to FM twin-transcoder with RDS x x x
X-DVB-S/FM octopus QPSK to FM 8-time-transcoderwith RDS   x x
X-UKW twin terrestrial FM to FM twin-converter x x  
X-UKW AmpIifier terrestrial FM ampIifier with 6 wave traps x x  
X-FM twin S audio to FM twin-modulator x x  


X- A/V QUAD - 4-х канальный модулятор

4-х канальный модулятор. Входы: 4xA/V Выход: 4x(47-862 МГц) Video S/N=58 dB (тип).X-A/V quad используется для модуляции сигнала с 4 аудио- или видео-источников в стандартные ТВ-сигналы в частотном диапазоне 47-862 МГц.


X-860 twin analog S - SAT analog PAL converter

for processing of two analogue TV-satellite-programs in standard TV-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;two optional SAT-channels into two VHF-/ UHF adjacent channels with equal channel spacing;separated activation and deactivation of both output channelsSAT IF Input frequency range[MHz]920 - 2150 Frequency tuning1-MHz-steps adjustable SAT IF input[©]F jack, 75 Input level[dBµV]47- 80 ...


X-A/V Multinorm twin

for modulation of audio / video signals in CATV- or SAT-IF distribution networks;separated activation and deactivation of both output channels electronic level adjustment;outstanding output parameters by Direct Digital technology;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards RF modulator Output frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Output channelsC 2 - C 69 Output level[dBµV]90 - 100 ...


X-A/V twin 860 S - Двухканальный модулятор

for modulation of audio / video signals in CATV- or SAT-IF distribution networks separated activation and deactivation of both output channels;manually level adjustment RF modulator Output frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Output channelsC 2 - C 69 Output level[dBµV]90 - 100 Intermodulation distance[dB]typ. 60 Return loss[dB] 10 Spurious frequency distance[dB]typ.


X-C/QAM twin 6 - DVB-C to QAM twin converter

for processing of two DVB-C input channels into two QAM adjacent channels;outstanding output parameters by Direct Digital technology, integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction, PID-filter, NIT-generation Demodulator Demodulator typeQAM Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]47 - 92 Input[©]IEC jack, 75 Input symbol rate[Mbaud]0,5 - 7, 0 adjustable Modulation types (according ...


X-COFDM duo S2 - DVB S2 to COFDM (DVB-T) twin converter

for processing of DVB-S(2)-modulated SAT-IF-signals in two independent COFDM output channels;selection of programs for transmodulation via pass- or drop-service filterDVB-S(2) demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]950 - 2150 Input level[dBµV]50- 80 SAT IF input[й]F jack, 75 Input symbol rate[MS/s]maximum 30,0 DVB-S viterbi1/2; 2/3; 3/4; 5/6; 6/7; 7/8 DVB-S2 LDPC1/4; 1/3; 2/5; 1/2; 3/5; 2/3; 3/4; ...


X-Demod twin - Демодулятор (47-862 МГц)→ A/V

Демодулятор (47-862 МГц) A/V Входной уровень 55-85 dBмKV.RF demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]55 - 85 Input[©]IEC jack, 75 Return loss[dB] 10 TV standardB / G Video-signal to noise ratio[dB]typ. 54 Audio-Video Output15-pin SUB-D jack Frequency range40 Hz - 15 kHz Output level[VRMS]0,5 / 10 k© Video Output level1 Vss / 75 © Common data Power consumption[W]2 Ambient ...


X-DTU - эфирный DVB-T конвертер

Используется для преобразования и подачи эфирных телевизионных программ в существующие распределительные сети. Выходной канал (с совместимостью смежных каналов) может настраиваться в частотном диапазоне 47-862 МГц.


X-DTU duo - эфирный конвертер

for conversion and input of terrestrial TV-programs in existing CATV- or SAT-IF distribution networks;DVB-T DVB-T or PAL PAL possible;automatic input level adjustment;electronic level adjustment;offers 2 independent programmable output channelsInput Impedance[©]75 Connections IEC jacks Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level analogue / digital[dBµV]50 - 80 / 40 - 70 Return loss[dB]typ. 8 ...


X-DVB-C Multinorm twin - 2-ch QAM in PAL Transcoder, (47 - 862 MHz)

for processing of two digital DVB-T TV-programs in two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technolgy;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustmentCOFDM-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]58-75 Input[ ]IEC jack, 75 Return loss[dB]typ. 10 Level control[dB]65 RF modulator Connections[ ...


X-DVB-C Multinorm twin CI - 2-ch QAM in PAL Transcoder, (47 - 862 MHz) with CI-Slot

for processing of two digital DVB-C TV-programs in two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technolgy;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustmentCOFDM-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]35- 84 Input[ ]IEC jack, 75 Return loss[dB]typ. 8 Level control[dB]65 CI interfacesyesRF ...


X-DVB-C/FM twin Приемник цифрового кабельного радио

DD® Приемник цифрового кабельного радио, конвертер QAM FM на 2 стерео радио программы. RDS.



Модуль X-DVB-C/PAL CI предназначен для обработки цифровых кабельных ТВ-программ в сигнал стандарта PAL в диапазоне 47 – 862 МГц.Цифровые услуги, такие как VSP и телетекст, могут включаться/выключаться через программное обеспечение (аналогично генерирование тестовых линий).Каждый модуль имеет уровень-контроль для компенсации различных выходных уровней. QAM demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]47 ...


X-DVB-C/PAL twin - Конвертор QAM в PAL

Модуль X-DVB-C/PAL предназначен для обработки 2 цифровых кабельных ТВ-программ в 2 сигнала стандарта PAL в диапазоне 47 – 862 МГц.Цифровые услуги, такие как VSP и телетекст, могут включаться/выключаться через программное обеспечение (аналогично генерирование тестовых линий).Каждый модуль имеет уровень-контроль для компенсации различных выходных уровней. QAM-демодулятор Диапазон частот, входМГц ...


X-DVB-C/PAL twin CI - Конвертор QAM в PAL

Модуль X-DVB-C/PAL предназначен для обработки 2 цифровых кабельных ТВ-программ в 2 сигнала стандарта PAL в диапазоне 47 – 862 МГц.Цифровые услуги, такие как VSP и телетекст, могут включаться/выключаться через программное обеспечение (аналогично генерирование тестовых линий).Каждый модуль имеет уровень-контроль для компенсации различных выходных уровней. QAM-демодулятор Диапазон частот, входМГц ...


X-DVB-S Multinorm twin - 2-ch QPSK in PAL Transcoder, (47 - 862 MHz)

for processing of two digital SAT-TV-programs in two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technology;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustmentQPSK demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]950 - 2150 Input level[dBµV]40- 80 SAT IF input[©]F jack, 75 Return loss[dB]e 10 AFC-catch rangeautomatic adjustment SAT IF ...


X-DVB-S Multinorm twin CI - QPSK to PAL twin converter

for processing of two digital SAT-TV-programs in two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technology;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustmentQPSK demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]950 - 2150 Input level[dBµV]40- 80 SAT IF input[©]F jack, 75 Return loss[dB]e 10 AFC-catch rangeautomatic adjustment SAT IF ...


X-DVB-S/FM Octopus - Приемник цифрового спутникового радио, конвертер QPSK→ FM на 8 стерео рад

DD® Приемник цифрового спутникового радио, конвертер QPSK FM на 8 стерео радио программ. RDS.


X-DVB-S/FM twin - Приемник цифрового спутникового радио, конвертер QPSK→ FM на 2 стерео радио

DD® Приемник цифрового спутникового радио, конвертер QPSK FM на 2 стерео радио программы. RDS.


X-DVB-S/PAL CI - QPSK to PAL converter

for processing of one or two digital SAT-TV-programs in one or two PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Data services like VPS or teletext can be switched on / off via software as well as the generation of test lines;manually level adjustmentQPSK-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]950 - 2150 Input level[dBµV]40- 80 SAT IF input[©]F jack, 75 Return loss[dB]e 10 AFC-catch ...


X-DVB-S/PAL duo - QPSK to PAL twin converter

for processing of two digital SAT-TV-programs in two independent PAL-output channels in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technology;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustment QPSK demodulator Input frequency range [MHz] 950 - 2150 Input level [dBµV] 40 - 80 SAT IF input [ ] F jack, 75 Return loss [dB] 10 AFC-catch range automatic ...


X-DVB-S/PAL duo CI - QPSK to PAL twin converter

for processing of two digital SAT-TV-programs in two independent PAL-output channels in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technology;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustment QPSK demodulator Input frequency range [MHz] 950 - 2150 Input level [dBµV] 40 - 80 SAT IF input [ ] F jack, 75 Return loss [dB] 10 AFC-catch range ...


X-DVB-S/PAL twin - QPSK to PAL twin converter

for processing of one or two digital SAT-TV-programs in one or two PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;output channel A selectable, output channel B is automatically selected as the adjacent channel;Data services like VPS or teletext can be switched on / off via software as well as the generation of test lines;electronic level adjustment QPSK-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]950 ...


X-DVB-S/PAL twin CI - QPSK to PAL converter

for processing of one or two digital SAT-TV-programs in one or two PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;output channel A selectable, output channel B is automatically selected as the adjacent channel;Data services like VPS or teletext can be switched on / off via software as well as the generation of test lines;electronic level adjustment QPSK-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]950 ...


X-DVB-T/Multinorm twin - 2-ch DVB-T in PAL Transcoder, (47 - 862 MHz)

for processing of two digital DVB-T TV-programs in two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technolgy;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustmentCOFDM-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]35- 84 Input[ ]IEC jack, 75 Return loss[dB]typ. 8 Level control[dB]65 RF modulator Connections[ ...


X-DVB-T/Multinorm twin CI - 2-ch DVB-T in PAL Transcoder, (47 - 862 MHz) with CI-Slot

for processing of two digital DVB-T TV-programs in two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;Direct Digital technolgy;free configuration via software, support of all common TV standards;electronic level adjustmentCOFDM-Demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]35- 84 Input[ ]IEC jack, 75 Return loss[dB]typ. 8 Level control[dB]65 CI interfacesyesRF ...


X-DVB-T/PAL CI - COFDM, DVB-T to Terrestrisch-Analog-TV (PAL)

Cлужит для преобразования эфирных ТВ-каналов в стандартный PAL-сигнал в частотном диапазоне 47-862 МГц. Модуль оснащен Common Interface, что дает возможность приема кодированных каналов наряду с открытыми.


X-DVB-T/PAL twin - 2-ch DVB-T in PAL Transcoder (47-862 MHz)

for processing of one / two digital DVB-T TV-programs in one / two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;output channel A selectable, output channel B automatically selected as the adjacent channel;Data services like VPS or teletext can be switched on / off via software as well as the generation of test lines;electronic level adjustmentCOFDM demodulator Input frequency ...


X-DVB-T/PAL twin CI - 2-ch DVB-T in PAL Transcoder (47-862 MHz)

for processing of one / two digital DVB-T TV-programs in one / two adjacent PAL-signals in the frequency range 47 - 862 MHz;output channel A selectable, output channel B automatically selected as the adjacent channel;Data services like VPS or teletext can be switched on / off via software as well as the generation of test lines;electronic level adjustmentCOFDM demodulator Input frequency ...


X-DVB/S-PAL QUAD - четырехканальный DVB-S/S2 транскодер

X-DVB-S/PAL quad -2 (quad-4) спутниковый приемник - транскодер Трансляция в кабельную сеть четыре ТВ программы двумя разделенными парами смежных каналов (47 - 862МГц), принимаемые с двух (модель quad-2) и четырех (модель quad -4) DVB-S/S2 транспондеров. Использование технологии Direct Digital позволяет обеспечить отличные выходные параметры и стабильность работы.


X-FM twin S - Cтерео FM-модулятор

Cтерео FM-модулятор. Вход: 2Audio, Выход: 87,5...108 МГц.FM modulator Output frequency[MHz]87,5 - 108, steps 10 kHz Output range[dBµV]max.


X-QAM 5 S2 - Одноканальный трансмодулятор DVB-S/S2 QPSK/8PSK→QAM

DD® Одноканальный трансмодулятор DVB-S/S2 QPSK/8PSK QAM (47-862). Bозможность удаления ТВ сервисов из выходного потока для снижения output bit/symbol rate.


X-QAM duo 7 S2 - QPSK DVB-S2 to QAM DVB-C

for processing of DVB-S(2)-modulated SAT-IF-signals into QAM-modulated independent adjustable output channels);integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction, PID-filter (pass or drop service filter) and NIT-generation DVB-S(2) demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]920 - 2150 Input level[dBmV]50- 80 SAT IF inputF jack, 75 Input symbol rate[MS/s]maximum 30,0 DVB-S viterbi1/2; 2/3; 3/4; 5/6; 6/7; ...


X-QAM QUAD Четырехканальный ковертор DVB-S/S2 (QPSK/8PSK)→QAM

- транскодирование 4-х DVB-S/S2-модулированных SATсигналов в 4 QAM выходных потока двумя независимыми парами соседних каналов - использование технологии Direct Digital позволяет достичь высочайших выходных параметров, такие как: MER typ. 45 dB - возможна трансмодуляция DVB-S2/HDTV в QAM256.


X-QAM twin 3

for processing of two QPSK-modulated SAT-IF-signals into two QAM-modulated adjacent channels in the frequency range of 47 - 862 MHz;future-proof by integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction QPSK demodulator Input frequency range [MHz] 920 - 2150 Input level [dBµV] 50- 80 SAT IF input [ ] F jack, 75 Spectrum shape cos-roll-off [%] 35 Input data rate [mBaud] 10,0- 30,0 Viterbi decoding 1/2; ...


X-QAM twin 3 - SAT-Digital-TV (QPSK, DVB-S) to Cabel-Digital-TV (QAM, DVB-C)

for processing of two QPSK-modulated SAT-IF-signals into two QAM-modulated adjacent channels in the frequency range of 47 - 862 MHzQPSK demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]920 - 2150 Input level[dBµV]50- 80 SAT IF input[©]F jack, 75 Spectrum shape cos-roll-off[%]35 Input data rate[mBaud]10,0-30,0Viterbidecoding1/2; 2/3; 3/4; 5/6; 7/8, automatically / manually (according DVB standard) QAM ...


X-QAM twin 5 - SAT-Digital-TV (QPSK, DVB-S) to Cabel-Digital-TV (QAM, DVB-C)

for processing of two QPSK-modulated SAT-IF-signals into two QAM-modulated adjacent channels in the frequency range of 47 - 862 MHz;future-proof by integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction, PID-filter and NIT-generationQPSK demodulator Input frequency range[MHz]920 - 2150 Input level[dBµV]50- 80 SAT IF input[©]F jack, 75 Spectrum shape cos-roll-off[%]35 Input data ...


X-QAM twin 6 - Двойной трансмодулятор DVB-S QPSK/8PSK→QAM

DD® Двойной трансмодулятор DVB-S QPSK/8PSK QAM (47-862). Входы: 2xQPSK/8PSK Выходы: 2xQAM (16, 32, 64, 128, 256) 47-862 МГц, MER 45 dB.


X-QAM twin 6 S2 - Двойной трансмодулятор DVB-S/S2 QPSK/8PSK→QAM

DD® Двойной трансмодулятор DVB-S/S2 QPSK/8PSK QAM (47-862). Входы: 2xQPSK/8PSK Выходы: 2xQAM (16, 32, 64, 128, 256) 47-862 МГц, MER 45 dB.


X-QAM-twin 5 S2 - Двухканалный трансмодулятор DVB-S/S2 QPSK/8PSK→QAM

DD® Двухканальный трансмодулятор DVB-S/S2 QPSK/8PSK QAM (47-862). Bозможность удаления ТВ сервисов из выходного потока для снижения output bit/symbol rate.


X-T/QAM twin 6 - Terrestrisch-Digital-TV (COFDM, DVB-T) to cabel-Digital-TV (QAM, DVB-C)

for processing of two DVB-T input channels into two QAM adjacent channels;outstanding output parameters by Direct Digital technology, integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction, PID-filter, NIT-generation Demodulator Demodulator typeCOFDM Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 Input level[dBµV]35 - 84 Input[©]IEC jack, 75 Channel bandwidth[MHz]6; 7; 8 Modulation types (according DVB standard) ...


X-UKW Amplifier - Селективный усилитель 87,5...108 МГц на 6 радиостанций

Селективный усилитель 87,5...108 МГц на 6 радиостанций, 45 dB, регулировка 20 dB.


X-UKW twin - Конвертер FM на 2 стерео радио программы

Конвертер FM на 2 стерео радио программы. Вход: 2x(87,5...108 МГц), Выход: 2x(87,5...108 МГц).


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