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Каталог товаров:

КАТАЛОГГоловные станции КТВASTROМодуля V серии

V503 - DVB-T to QAM twin-converter
V503 - DVB-T to QAM twin-converter

Раздел: Модуля V серии

For processing of two DVB-T input channels into two QAM adjacent channels. Outstanding output parameters by Direct Digital technology, integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction, PID-filter, NIT-generation

Demodulator type
Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862
Input level[dBµV]35- 84
Input[Ω]IEC jack, 75
Input data rate[Mbaud]no
Channel bandwidth[MHz]6; 7; 8
Return loss[dB]typ. 8
QAM modulator
16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, 256-QAM
Signal processing
according DVB standard
Spectrum shape[%]15
Reed-Solomon (204,188)-Code
Data rate adjustment
PCR correction / PID filter
NIT handling
Output symbol rate[MSym]adjustable, 3,45 - 6,9
Bandwidth[MHz]depends on input data rate, 4 - 8
Brutto data rate[MBits]maximum 55,2
RF output
Connectors[Ω]IEC jack, 75
Frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 (C 2 - C 69) in 1-MHz-steps adjustable
Output level[dBµV]80 Е 90, adjustable
MER (Equalizer, 64 QAM)[dB]typ. 45
Shoulder attenuation[dB]typ. 58
Spurious freq. distance 40 - 862 MHz >950 MHz[dB]> 60 discrete interferences / > 57 noise interferences > 20 relating to 100 dBµV system level and 90 dBµV operating level
Common data
Power consumption[W]10
Ambient temperature[°C]0... +50
For processing of two DVB-T input channels into two QAM adjacent channels. Outstanding output parameters by Direct Digital technology, integrated data rate adjustment, PCR-correction, PID-filter, NIT-generation

Demodulator type
Input frequency range[MHz]47 - 862
Input level[dBµV]35- 84
Input[Ω]IEC jack, 75
Input data rate[Mbaud]no
Channel bandwidth[MHz]6; 7; 8
Return loss[dB]typ. 8
QAM modulator
16-, 32-, 64-, 128-, 256-QAM
Signal processing
according DVB standard
Spectrum shape[%]15
Reed-Solomon (204,188)-Code
Data rate adjustment
PCR correction / PID filter
NIT handling
Output symbol rate[MSym]adjustable, 3,45 - 6,9
Bandwidth[MHz]depends on input data rate, 4 - 8
Brutto data rate[MBits]maximum 55,2
RF output
Connectors[Ω]IEC jack, 75
Frequency range[MHz]47 - 862 (C 2 - C 69) in 1-MHz-steps adjustable
Output level[dBµV]80 Е 90, adjustable
MER (Equalizer, 64 QAM)[dB]typ. 45
Shoulder attenuation[dB]typ. 58
Spurious freq. distance 40 - 862 MHz >950 MHz[dB]> 60 discrete interferences / > 57 noise interferences > 20 relating to 100 dBµV system level and 90 dBµV operating level
Common data
Power consumption[W]10
Ambient temperature[°C]0... +50

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